Fox hunting is a time-honored tradition in Virginia's countryside. For those who enjoy the thrill of the chase, the wide open fields, diverse terrain, and the rich sense of community, there's a local hunt waiting for you to discover. Let us introduce you to Virginia's equestrian lifestyle — and help you find your dream home in Hunt Country.
Clarke County Fox Hunts
Blue Ridge Hunt
Meet Days: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday
Territory: Clarke, Warren, Shenandoah, Frederick, and Jefferson (WV) counties
Terrain: Rolling farmland, open pastureland, and orchards
Jumps: Chicken coops, tiger traps, rail fences, and stone walls
Fauquier County Fox Hunts
Orange County Hunt
Territory: Fauquier County
Old Dominion Hunt
Territory: Fauquier County
Terrain: Pasture and woodlands
Jumps: Coops, rail fences, and stone walls
Warrenton Hunt
Meet Days: Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday
Territory: Fauquier and Culpeper counties
Terrain: Wooded areas, open cattle farms, and crop farms
Jumps: Rail fences, coops, and stone walls
Loudon County Fox Hunts
Loudoun Hunt
Meet Days: Wednesday and Saturday
Territory: Loudoun County
Terrain: Agricultural and some development
Jumps: Coops, barways, post and rails, stone walls, and board fences
Loudoun Fairfax Hunt
Meet Days: Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday
Territory: Loudoun and Fairfax counties​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Middleburg Hunt
Meet Days: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday
Territory: Loudoun County​​​​​​​​​​​
Rappahannock County Fox Hunts
Rappahannock Hunt
Meet Days: Wednesday and Sunday
Territory: Rappahannock, Culpeper, and Madison counties
Stay for Virginia's Equestrian Lifestyle
Virginia's Hunt Country is a haven for outdoor recreation, not just fox hunting. If you're eager to live near these local hunts, contact us and we can help you find your dream home.
Still curious about Virginia's equestrian lifestyle? Choose a resource below to learn more about the area.